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Unless you’ve been living in your own created virtual world, you probably have heard the hottest narratives popping more and more in this crypto market. Read this to learn about my Hot Gaming Narratives To Look For In 2024.

Gaming has been diving into the crypto world for a couple of years now, however, it started to become a thing with the success of Axis Infinity. We all remember the popularity of this gaming and its token, we also remember the game itself wasn’t much fun to play, but many of its players were there for the gains.

Nevertheless, the gaming industry itself has increased massively in the last decade. Old and new players are dedicating more of their spare time to it, in addition, to the amount of players who are also crypto investors. This reality formula is giving several buy signals everywhere, so let’s dive into my favorite ones.

As a gamer myself, these are the gaming platforms (and their tokens) that I have been using, buying and playing their games. Next to a brief opinion about it overall:

  • Gala Games – GALA (ETH Network): This one has been around for a while now, some of its games became absurdly expensive to buy and be able to play. However their free to play games are chill fun. Their token though, it’s a beast. Watch it closely.
  • Nakamoto Games – NAKA (Polygon Network): This platform is amazing. I started playing its games very recently, and I am becoming addicted already. Their free games are cool to play, and the paid ones are mid-range affordable. The token has been parabolic. Worth to watch close too.
  • Beam OS – BEAM – (ETH + BSC Network): This is a wholesome project, the BEAM OS developers create apps and games for all users. Their games are very popular and fun to play. Their token has been pumping for a while now!
  • Echelon Prime – PRIME (ETH + BASE Network): This is new to me, I’ve played their beta game Parallel and it was fun to play, can’t wait to see how much more they bring. Worth to watch their token close.
  • Gamin – GMRX (BSC Network): This platform and their token launched very recently. I downloaded their app and have been watching their live game play, earning some GMRX at the same time, since their app is also a miner. Can’t say much about their games yet, but I will update you on this soon. Their token is testing a support zone today. Watch it!

There are several other projects that might also be worth to research about, but these ones are, in my opinion the hottest ones. Of course, as always, this is not meant to be financial advise. I suggest before investing in any token you research their founders, developers, company, what people are saying etc. For this, or any other token. Invest safely, and never invest money that you cannot afford to lose.

Let me know in the comments below what gaming tokens are you following? Are you playing any? Do you own any of the ones I mentioned above? I would to hear your thoughts about it.

Happy trading everyone!

The Violet Rose.